Wednesday, September 19, 2018


This  Blog was established to help answer the many questions, families and friends have when Elder Abuse occurs.
The whys, the hows and most importantly  the reasoning behind abuse seemingly being ignored are questions which linger in the minds of loved ones.  These questions go unanswered and make us start to believe there is no law to protect the Elderly!. These issues leave a very bitter taste in the mouths and minds of so many Americans today.  We are led to believe no one can do anything about it and certainly no one seems to be able to stop it.
This issue becomes  the number one reason many older Americans are fearful and just plain scared of growing older in this country. Really, how can anyone blame them. There are so many unanswered questions, so many incidents of abuse and death. What choices does this leave for Older Americans?  This dilemma is growing daily.  When speaking to any Elder they will tell you, “that is just how it is”. What is worse the families will have responses along those very same lines !  
Are we to believe entering a facility is in fact the beginning of the end? I certainly hope that is not the case.
As a retired investigator of elder abuse and neglect along with wrongful death, I can tell you there are indeed answers, there are solutions and there are ways to curtail this horrible behavior. But it lies on us the Elders and our families to want to get involved and stop it. 
Within this Blog I will share information that can help prevent this facility abuse, family abuse etc.  I do warn you in advance it is not pretty, not nice, and it certainly will make many not want to believe what I tell them. 
The choice will be yours and I sincerely hope you will take my advice and tidbits, and apply them to help keep your loved ones safe.

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