Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Let's Talk About Auto- Fraud part 1

We don't often think about Auto fraud today, mostly because we now have lemon laws right?.... WRONG!!
 Today lemon laws can't even touch what goes on in those lovely white buildings with all those charming salesmen. They look so pure and and clean... on purpose.
When you enter those hallowed halls you do not suspect toxicity, evil, or darkness which compares to none other than Satan himself.
I know , right about now you are thinking " Well gosh, they can't all be bad!"
Think again! Some are just not as devious and malicious as others. Then there are some who will still use a few tricks but not as many and they will not be so obvious and blatant about it!
Most car dealerships are there for one reason and one reason only. That reason is to get all the money they can from you because that makes the owners rich!

When the owners are rich and getting richer by the month , they will reward their staff of evil minions with a bonus or Christmas party at a big hotel or maybe even vacations or cruises! This makes the minions think they too are getting rich.  That fact is so sad because they will take all the blame for anything  of which the authorities seek prosecution or lawsuits. In realty they are just the pigeon's who will be sitting ducks if and when the sh@t hits the fan. You can take it to the bank!
The owners will moan how those minions cost them so much financial loss, while the minions will get fired and most likely prosecuted and have their lives ruined. The owners do not give a hoot about blaming staff for anything and everything. They will act shocked to learn the staff lied, cheated, stole or broke the law, when in realty they know what goes on and they condone it all. They will pat salesman on the back as long as he cheats the customer and pads that owner's coffers.
The sad part is the minions can not subsist on the pitiful crumbs the owners throw out for base salaries so they are forced to get more money out of each customer for survival! Especially if they have young families!
These owners will tell them lies that even children would know better than to believe. Yet, the minions believe because after all, if the owner says it is so, then it must be so! He /she did not get so wealthy by NOT knowing.
So now you have the average Joe Blow off the street who after all , he wants to be somebody too. He gets hired at a big dealership and with that simple step in life , he gains prestige among his peers. Yes, I said HIS peers. these would be others who are young and starting life ( thereby being very impressionable) and /or people who are bordering on middle age and might still be considered a loser in life. This is a career move for such individuals, believe it or not!

I am not stating these obvious facts to be demeaning or cruel, but rather to point out the factor of which, when adults do make bad decisions, sometimes it is just out of desperation.
Whatever the reason, every single minion at a dealership licks boots and takes blame in exchange for a title and a salary which is just a notch over minimum wage if you count all the hours they put in each week.  So the necessity for their own survival makes each customer a number , not a human.
In part 2 we will break it all down and explain exactly how it works as well as give several examples of the scams and lies.